How to Have the Best Night’s Sleep After a Facelift
After having a facelift procedure, it’s important to get plenty of rest. Some people find the recovery process uncomfortable and exhausting, even if the results are well worth it. Here are some tips on the best way to get great rest after your procedure. Use the tips below to get as comfortable as possible so you get a good night’s sleep.
The Ideal Sleeping Position Following a Facelift
Pure comfort may not be possible right after a facelift, but you can make it easier by sleeping with your head elevated above the level of your heart. Use a couple of extra pillows under your head and one or two on the sides of your body to keep you from moving around as you sleep.
If you typically sleep on your side or stomach, try to get used to sleeping on your back before the surgery. Recliners are another great option since you will stay on your back without tossing and turning.
Sleeping on the your back is essential to avoid additional swelling. In addition, other sleeping positions can create pressure or friction on your face. This can irritate the healing tissues or even open the incisions.
Extra Tips for Great Sleep After the Procedure
Swelling, pain, anxiety, and the need to sleep in a new position can make sleeping a struggle for some. However, good sleep is essential for a speedy recovery, so there are a few things that you can do to ensure your sleeping environment is comfortable.
Prepare Ahead of Time
After a facelift, you may need a few weeks to recover, so you should prepare early. Clean up, have meals ready, and do any errands that might be needed during that time. In addition, add a few extra pillows to your bed. Make sure all the items you use in bed are within each reach, such as the remote control, magazines, a phone charger, and medication.
Remember What’s Coming
Facelifts may not be as painful as you expect but discomfort is still common. Many people feel anxious or stressed about how they might look after the procedure is done. Remind yourself that the first few days are the worst and that your face will look great after the bruising and swelling go down. If you are full of stress, it will be harder to sleep. Be honest with yourself and remember how you will look in less than a month.
Keep the Swelling Down
The worst discomfort during sleep is often associated with swelling. Using a cold compress in a light towel or cloth on the swollen areas can help with this. Lay it gently against your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Follow up with a break of at least an hour before starting the process again.
Never put an ice pack directly on your skin since this can lead to burns on the skin.
Final ThoughtsThere are a variety of options for staying comfortable at night while recovering from a facelift procedure. Staying lightly active to avoid stiffness, avoiding caffeine to help you fall asleep, and cleaning your face gently with a damp cloth are all great ideas. Ask your surgeon for other tips that might help!